
Electrical Considerations for a Computer Network

Written by platinum_admin | Sep 14, 2012 1:33:52 PM

Any time you are using more than one computer in the same area, whether it is at home or at work, it is a good idea to have a network created for them. The following is a brief look at some of the main electrical considerations.

Think ahead

Whether you are planning out your computer network for home or at the office, for your network to be effective for as long as possible it is important that you are thinking ahead in relation to its electrical needs. If your family is likely to grow, or if you’re hoping for your small business to get quite a bit larger, keep these future projections in mind when planning your network and its electrical elements.

Surge protection

One of the biggest dangers to your computer network is a spike in electricity, which can fry expensive computer equipment in a flash and leave your entire network destroyed. To ensure all your computer equipment will be safe, talk to your local electrical services about investing in surge protection for your network, as this can easily end up saving you thousands of dollars.


By investing in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), you can protect your network against a sudden crash due to power shortages, and whether there is a blackout or just a dip in power, your backup supply will ensure your computer network and all that important data will survive. Your UPS will kick in the instant your regular power supplies drop, and you will be able to save and shut down everything without losing a single file or document.

Avoid overloading circuits

Whether you are setting up a computer network for at home or at the office, be mindful of how much energy you will be draining with your various computers and devices. Overloading your circuits by attempting to draw too much power can lead to power failure, as well as cost you time and money, so take your electrical configurations seriously. You can easily find out for yourself what your circuit capacities are, along with the power needs of all your equipment; otherwise, talk to your local electrician about the best way to set up your computer network.

Saving electricity

One of the big downsides of computers is that they require a significant amount of energy and therefore resources in order to function, so for the sake of your budget, as well as for the environment, ensure you are taking every measure to save energy where you can. Having power save features on all your devices is a great way to start, and be sure to train everyone using your network to turn off their computers when they are not in use and unplug them at the end of the day. Do some research into how you can cut your energy usage and you will find that your computer network will start to cost you far less in an average year.

For your computer network to provide all of those vital tools and capabilities, you need to be looking out for its electrical needs, because regardless of how amazing your network is, it won’t be useful for long without electricity.